Os Graffitis Realistas de El Mac

Com um trabalho fantástico e extremamente detalhado, o artista norte-americano El Mac se destaca com um estilo bem diferente de criar seus graffitis, ora tão parecidos com uma foto e tão realistas que às vezes fica difícil de acreditar que foram desenhados – grafitados. O legal do seu trabalho está na construção do desenho e nas cores.

Os Graffitis Realistas de El Mac - 01
Os Graffitis Realistas de El Mac - 02
Os Graffitis Realistas de El Mac - 03
Os Graffitis Realistas de El Mac - 04
Os Graffitis Realistas de El Mac - 05
Os Graffitis Realistas de El Mac - 06
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4 Comentários

  1. That is some beautiful work. But what does it say? It's not Banksey. There is no message.

  2. Dear Matt,
    are not Banksy. The works are El Mac, and looks much like those of Retna.
    All artists try to pass something ... a message that he finds cool, El Mac and want to pass on several things, the more I realized is that he seeks a more elaborate graffiti, structured and show the expression of every people (who despite differences in ethnicities, one thing unites each them: the feeling. There's always more things he wanted to go ...) But those are really beautiful your work.

  3. Girl on the picture look very nice, I think that these picture is interesting!

  4. I totally agree. And also like the pictures.


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